



When Katie Blowes was introduced to Arocs with MirrorCam a year ago, she wasn’t sure. 投资一辆没有后视镜的卡车似乎是一场巨大的赌博. 然而, after trialling the vehicle at the Mercedes-Benz Trucks UK Experience Centre, 她被这种创新技术迷住了. One year on and her company 十大网络彩票平台大全 has a growing fleet of nine Arocs models all complete with MirrorCam. The technology is not just delivering safety improvements to drivers, but helping the company attract and retain sought-after talent offering better working conditions.

T在这里 was one driver in particular who first refused to get behind the wheel of an Arocs with MirrorCam because he was concerned it might be more challenging to drive. 然而, after hearing the positive comments from other drivers he had a go and now he’s one of the biggest advocates for MirrorCam – he absolutely loves it! 这给他敲响了警钟,让他意识到这个行业正在发生变化, 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的司机站在现代科技的最前沿.


十大网络彩票平台大全 first purchased five 2020 bulk plate Arocs units with MirrorCam in July 2020. 作为一项开创性的技术, 从后视镜到MirrorCam的转变被认为是大胆的, but Katie was determined to bring the latest technology to her team of drivers.

The company diverts household waste and recycling away from landfill efficiently and responsibly by producing energy from waste. Its flagship site is situated at the Edmonton Eco Park on a forty-acre site and includes a Waste to Energy, 废物转运中心, 及物料回收中心. 由于它的位置, drivers find themselves regularly having to navigate the busy and often narrow streets of the UK’s capital, 这就是阿洛克人的小之处, streamlined camera arms built into the roof frame on the left and right are really delivering noticeable benefits.

“MirrorCam takes so much stress away from the driver by widening their pane of visibility. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的司机都穿过十大网络彩票平台大全北部, 所以他们总是注意行人, 骑自行车者和其他危险. MirrorCam提高了他们的视力, and it gives them reassurance that they are being protected from potential knocks and scrapes that traditional wing mirrors may well miss. 像这样的小事表明,作为一个公司, 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金真的很关心司机和他们的心理健康, 还有路上的其他人.

“Our concern was always what would happen if we knocked MirrorCam or the technology failed but we’ve never had a problem with it, 这真的很好,因为MirrorCam对十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金来说是一项新技术, 对梅赛德斯-奔驰和整个行业来说都是如此. 没有其他人这么做. It just shows that Mercedes have really done their research and homework on this. MirrorCam is creating a mindset shift that the future of truck driving is exciting and full of technology.”


This mindset shift is helping LondonEnergy compete in the difficult fight for new truck driving talent,. Many of the company’s drivers have remained loyal to the business for several years and are fully bought into its safety-first ethos. For a business operating at the heart of waste management and sustainable operations, it is crucial that LondonEnergy extolls these values to its team members and Arocs is playing a role 在这里 too.

“不仅仅是MirrorCam. Active Drive Assist on the Arocs is also brilliant – the truck pretty much drives itself. One of our drivers actually came all the way back from Tilbury (to Edmonton) without touching the acceleration or the brake – it did it all itself! 很明显, 他专心听讲,保持着对车的控制, 但这恰恰说明了这项技术是多么令人印象深刻.”

Such technology is also helping LondonEnergy to attract new drivers. The company is operating four Arocs units 24 hours a day as part of its extended operations, 通过多次轮班. This means demand for new drivers is high, but the Arocs is winning people round.

“The thing about our offer to employees is that it’s not about the company, 这不是我作为运输经理的问题, 吸引司机的不是十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金做什么,而是十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的卡车. If we can go out to the market with our safety-first ethos and back this up with a modern technological fleet of Arocs units, 这给了十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金一个巨大的优势.

“Mercedes-Benz is a front-runner in the market when it comes to innovation. Even the fact that the modern display system in the Arocs has excellent haptics and recognises five tachographs means drivers can switch effortlessly between trucks for shifts.”


作为一家专注于可持续发展的企业, the next step for LondonEnergy is a move towards electric vehicles. The company ordered a further four 2021-plate Arocs bulker units in May 2021, such was the positive reception of the previous vehicles within the organisation. MirrorCam looks set to be a mainstay even as the company transitions its fleet.

Katie adds: “We’ll definitely consider investing further in MirrorCam – once you move to cameras, 回去就很难了.

十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的未来是电动的. 由于十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的业务性质, we want to be pioneers in sustainability and electric trucks will be the future. 我毫不怀疑,梅赛德斯-奔驰将在这里提出强有力的报价. 他们是HGV市场的大玩家,备受尊敬. It’s always exciting to experience their new innovations and pass the benefits of their trucks onto our drivers.”

文章最初发表于RoadStars 在这里.